Tuesday, August 5, 2014


Written by: Len Gettz / Carmen Regallo-Dewitt

To master your public image means understanding how to manage your look, your body language, your voice and how you engage others with all these personal elements. Taking a page from Hollywood directors, I find the most helpful way to conduct sales training is through the use of a Video Screen Test. 

If you find it a little disturbing to hear your recorded voice, that's normal.  This only establishes the actual separation between your actual self and the 'you' that is the subject of study. I found the best solution to studying your complete public self with objectivity is by viewing yourself on screen.   Much more effective than looking at yourself in a mirror, reviewing a middle shot of yourself (independent of your current conscious state) interacting with a camera delivers a voyeuristic perspective - lending itself to better analysis and self-adjustment.

In a casting situation, an actor is asked to read lines from a given script and the director reviews how they read through the lens of a camera.  Where watching a person read in front of you shows one set of truths, the lens has a way of discerning other subtleties that helps is truly identify a complete set of elements in one's character.  By studying yourself as 'this other person', the screen lets you dissect your best, your worst and how to adjust.  Here are some things to look for:

- Clarity in presence
- Clarity in speech
- Choice of words
- Body & facial gestures
- Over confidence
- Eye contact
- Body language and mannerisms
- Posture (overall and reactive to certain dialogues)
- Choices of smiles
- Overall attire

Here's a familiar face. You be the director. This screen test is improvisation where the subject creates her entire topic and delivery on the spot.  Rate her based on her confidence and ability to engage.  Study her speech patterns and try to identify the high points and how she works the camera.

In your opinion, how well did she do?  Where are her strengths and where do you think she could use help? Please give me your comments?

Meanwhile, try this exercise at home. You will be amazed what you find about yourself.  What's more, you'll see just how others see you- such that you have the golden opportunity to TWEEK parts of your body language and/or physical expression for your next personal interaction.

Written by the producers of imworx.com and the how2station.com