Originally published in IMworx.com
By: Leonard Gettz
In a room where everyone is a sales person, it's a very popular habit to go PROSPECTING or SOLICITING in a networking event. Yes it's true, business IS about sales but please remember that NOBODY likes being sold to. Think about it... when you go to a mixer, do you bring your checkbook with you expecting to meet someone to sell you a gym membership or a nice watch or a mortgage? Fact is- everything around us is a sales pitch or a commercial. People are so tired of being PITCHED to that it's a complete TURN-OFF. And when you're in a room with people who are committed to seeking out true business friendships, your real objective should be GETTING TO KNOW PEOPLE and letting them know about you as a PERSON, THEN A PROFESSIONAL.
Bridging Healthy Alliances is the Key to Success

So WHAT IS a network?
When you're out there meeting and greeting people, you're looking to form your own BOND with a trusted circle of allies; your preferred list of connections that you have a special regard for or people that you've spent some time to learn about. Few and far between, each member of your network is someone you found and said- "hey, I really like this person". Some grow to become business partners, hired contractors or a conduit to other people. You can also form personal friendships - in other words, a network is your INNER CIRCLE.
TRUE NETWORKING is about building GENUINE BRIDGES and ALLIANCES based on solid common grounds. Business is exactly like life where TRUE FRIENDSHIPS are about respect and trust and a genuine care for exchanging support and mutual growth. IN other words, you cannot fake friendships in life... or in business.

Someone once said that in networking, you HAVE TO GIVE TO GET. That's a great line to remember- especially for those who think about business connecting to be only about GETTING. Making friends is not about seeing what you can take from someone... it's about seeking out like-minded camaraderie to grow with and to share your strengths.
The second half of
business relationships is THE GIFT OF GIVING -- not about presents but
earning the chance to be recognized for providing a helping hand or
sharing good advice - where giving of yourself brings some of the most
amazing rewards for you and your credibility. When
you give or share something to someone- especially in business, it
actually increases your VALUE to that person and those around them; it
helps people get a true sense of who you are and what you are about.
Giving your time, your energy or information to someone in your
alliance builds your reputation as a knowledgeable leader and someone
who is always there to respond. THOSE are positive qualities that
everyone will respect and remember about you when a referral
opportunity arises.
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