Failure is exhausting and debilitating - but, if you harness it right, (learn the right lessons from it) it can be completely empowering. "If you fall the right way, the 'getting up' could leverage you far higher than the horse you fell from..." (a quote from Sin City).
When you're in the promoting phase of your business, it is imperative that you NOT look back and think about money. Forget about what you've already spent- or what you hope to make. Being too money-minded turns cowards out of investors and losers out of contestants. This doesn't mean to be go-for-broke foolish; you certainly need a budgetary margin to work with. But oftentimes, the biggest mistake that most owners make is chickening out mid-flight a campaign when they don't get any immediate response.
True risk-taking is SMART INVESTING; do your due diligence, intuitive research, planning, market studies and scheduling, then focus on giving it all you've got right after a LAUNCH. Focus on getting to the finish line and think about what else you can do to get there faster and with the least amount of casualty.
Everyone has at one point competed for something and won. Where it is human nature to doubt oneself, channeling prior successes is food for risk-taking, innovation and determination. The road to business success is all about obstacles. Conditioning yourself for the long haul means arming yourself with the proper understanding to endure what lies ahead.

As a promoter of others, I often use the term "building a rock star" humorously, but the feeling and intent of shooting for the stars is genuinely what's behind the hard work. I am very fortunate to know what it's like to be under the spotlight of a concert stage with a few thousand people watching me play. It's a thrill like no other and if you've ever experienced anything even remotely similar to that, channel it into your business model because all the lessons and motivations are all there!
So start by channeling your previous successes by asking yourself "how did that come to happen?" What did it take to get there? Then transform those answers into your business stream and you may find that (point for point) the steps are identical! You start with a DREAM, then PRACTICE, then, if you believe, be OBSESSED. Next, over time, you grow to find your community where you connect with others who share in those beliefs-- that's the social maturity. This community is the support system that moves you to learn and grow in your field at a faster pace. You then grow technically, take more chances, flop and 'try again' (repeat this step if necessary), then after a while, you finally succeed. This success becomes the game-changer that heightens your level of commitment to keep going and to pursue the next stage of your competition.
Business is the same.
There's a different marketing plan for everyone. Promoters design a plan ranging from conservative to adventurous- depending on your budget and objectives. Some are about SEO and BRANDING while others are more about PR (publicity) and reputation. Then there's ADVERTISING, DIRECT MAIL, SOCIAL MEDIA, TRADE SHOWS ... and the list goes on. Very few promoters will stress this fact but each effort carries a variable amount of risk and provides ZERO guarantees. They do, however carry their own track record of potential success depending on longevity, budget- and luck.
At this point, there are as many options for promoting as there are roads that lead to a dead end. Kick-start programs as well as 2.0 pushers (the ones who promise to take you to the next level) will sell you on a bag of beans if you have a check to sign. Hence, choose wisely and do your homework!
Over the years, I have learned some vital lessons when it comes to planning, direction and campaign designs for a client. As a promoter myself, I have come to live by some core beliefs to keep me at the right side of business:
- Develop a thorough and highly detailed plan
- Conduct major homework on the client's needs, their environment and their objectives
- Track progress regularly and keep client abreast of all significant moves
- Don't be afraid to submit negative reports as long as you have an alternative solution to steer the program back to its course
- Always be innovative
- Keep the faith, stay the course, steer and navigate and look for opportunities as they arise
(End of part 1)
This blog is brought to you by Copyright (C) 2014- Image Unlimited Inc. All Rights Reserved. Written by: Lennard M. Gettz, MBA and Luis Ferrer.
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